Cold Hands, Warm Heart

It’s an interesting saying: “Cold hands, warm heart.” It proposes that people whose hands are usually cold actually have kind and loving personalities (there’s no counterpart as far as I can tell).

I’m saying (writing) this because God is impressing to me about being warm and loving (oh, it’s love month!). When you feel the warmth you also feel the love, right?

Being warm is making real-meaningful connections with people, making them feel welcome, being respectful. It goes beyond giving people what they need or treating them with basic respect, it creates authentic interactions that strengthen relationships.

I have here an extremely incomplete list which I believe I exuded warmth.

  • Remember the people’s name. People feel more valued and respected when we remember their names. Try to increase your ability to remember names by associating with them and repeating their names.
  • Pay attention to people’s small needs. The smallest thing you can do to people can make a huge difference. Look for little ways to help. It all matters more than you know.
  • Relate when someone does embarrassing. Assure that’s it’s human to err. Make them feel at ease and comfortable.
  • Be vulnerable. Share a part of yourself, not only the shiny and pretty and fun but also what you deny or keep hidden from other people.
  • Smile. A small thing like this can put warmth feeling in one’s heart.
  • Lend an ear. Everyone needs someone who will listen when they are depressed, frustrated or mad. Just be there, sit with them. Venting through an issue is a huge help!
  • Send a message. Just a short note telling someone you appreciate them or how proud you are of them. Saying thank you for something they did.
  • Appreciate them publicly. Acknowledging and encouraging someone on a post / blog, in front of friends, family or in other public way. It’s a great way to make them feel better about themselves. It boost confidence.
  • Offer your help. Ask them if there’s anything you can do to help them. It doesn’t matter if it’s big or small help as long as you let them know that you are willing to help.
  • Generosity. It is not money or gifts all the time! Be generous with your praise (not flattery), when they did something astounding. Be generous with your time (quality time).
  • LOVE. When you start to look around and see everyone as part of redemptive plan, you begin to fall in love (from Translating God by Shawn Bolz). All these listed, starts and ends in loving. You cannot do these things if you do not have love in your heart. Accept people for who, where they are, imperfections and all. How, ask God to fill your heart. He’s our ultimate source, our supplier. You cannot      give what you do not have.

While these can be inconvenient, it has humble advantages. By doing these will make you feel better about yourself, it connects you with the person at least for a few moment, makes the world a better place (one step at a time!) and it can be passed on (warmth is contagious!).

I’ve been feeling this “warmth” for a while now. It feels so good. I feel it every time I’m down, reading the word, uttering a prayer, worshiping, during my quiet moments and sincere talks. I’m sure it was Him. He’s here, He’s available.

Love. I’m feeling the love of a Father, the love of God (Abba). It warms the cockles of my heart, brings me to tears. I’m in love.

Then, when that happens, we are able to hold our heads high no matter what happens and know that all is well, for we know how dearly God loves us, and we feel this warm love everywhere within us because God has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with His love.” – Romans 5:5

Happy Valentines!

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